It’s a new day and a new day to work on my goals.
Yet, I keep hearing ‘You can’t do this’, ‘No one wants to hear about it’, ‘You don’t know what you are doing’, ‘You are not worthy’, ….my inner child or I like to call it my ‘Tasmanian Devil’ is working extremely hard to derail my plans of refocusing on my goals, getting into action today and doing what I want to do to reach my goals. I woke up excited to get started, I had a plan already ready to go, my roadmap ready and then good ole’ ‘Tasmanian Devil’ decides to swirl in like a hurricane and quickly flip my motivation into self-doubt, paralysis and even imposter syndrome.
All of my old negative thoughts and the oodles of life plans that I have made be uprooted, taken away from me or derailed all came flooding back with gale force winds. From not being able to bear children and be the Mom I have dreamed about being since I was a child, to trusting others with my heart while they ripped it out and broke my trust, to promising my childhood best friend that we would be better at staying in touch and yet failing to follow through and now I’ll never have that opportunity again until I’m in heaven, to allowing my career to create my identity and purpose, to loosing that career due to downsizing and absolutely crushing my self-confidence and really question what my purpose is.
I’ve had so many amazing plans and lifegoals, they were all mapped out, the bags were packed, the ticket was purchased and I was ready to get on the train and go for it. Yet, so many times my plans came to an abrupt stop and I have been left sitting on the platform watching as the train, my train…..leave without me while I sat on the bench
Frozen in fear
Frozen in self-doubt
Frozen in procrastination
Frozen in all the ‘what if’s’
The train leaves the station while I’m unable to move and the crushing wave of unworthiness surrounds me.
It’s been so incredibly hard to have had so many beautiful visions/plans for my life be derailed by others and by myself. I know that my life experiences have been extremely powerful from teaching me many lessons, to allowing me many opportunities to see new perspectives, to pushing me out of my comfort zone, and also reminding me of my strengths and what’s important to me. On the flip side, my life experiences and the many words that others have spoken over me have also been soul crushing at times…when I allow them to.
So, today as I sit here on that proverbial train platform as the train is coming into the station. I recognized the pattern and put some of the training I have learned into action.
I hear you ‘Tasmanian Devil’
I see you
I feel the hurricane winds you are spinning around me
I appreciate what you are trying to do today but hear me loud and clear…..
I AM stronger than this!
I AM meant for more!
I AM worthy!
I BELIEVE in myself!
I CAN do hard things!
I DESERVE to shine my light!
This is MY train; it will be leaving the station
I WILL confidently step onto this train without you ‘Tasmanian Devil’.
Your ticket is not valid on this train.
It’s time to flip the script and change the outcome. Time to step into the plan I have mapped out for myself. Will it be perfect…probably not but that’s part of the adventure and it will all be worth it.
And whenever my ‘Tasmanian Devil’ tries to buy a ticket to derail my plans again, I will remember that I have the tools at my fingertips, I just have to use them so I can continue to keep taking these imperfect steps, one step at a time, towards becoming the best version of me.
I’ve got this!
If you want my help silencing your inner narratives or ‘Tasmanian Devil’, I’m here to help you too!

A friendly reminder that in order to grow or to make changes, it all takes time.
Give yourself grace, forgive yourself if you have fallen off the track or stopped working on your goals or changing your habits.
Don’t compare your process to others, as hard as that is sometimes.
With it being Spring, it’s a perfect time to drive the point home.
When you plant seeds in your garden, do they burst out of the ground the next morning? No, it takes time for them to grow.
You need to enhance your soil so that your plants have the right growing conditions, you need to fertilize, weed, tend to your gardens each and every week.
You need to water your plants to help them grow and make sure they have the right amount of sun or shade, depending on the item you are growing.
If you didn’t have a successful garden last year and fail to make any changes, is it reasonable to expect that your garden will be successful this year?
I know I have said this before but I’m going to say it again because it’s so true:
“If you change nothing. Nothing changes.” ~Joyce Brothers
You will get the same results next year and every year after that, unless you make some changes. You might have a little bit of change.
If you don’t tend to your garden weekly by weeding it, eventually the weeds will choke out the plants you want to grow.
And those plants that need sun, simply won’t grow to their full potential if you plant them in the shade. And if you forget to water your plants....well, we all know what happens when things get dehydrated, don’t we?
As you are planting new seeds for your life, you are:
- adjusting your growing environment by being mindful of what you are reading/watching/listening to;
- practicing gratitude and enriching your soul;
- weeding the garden around you and removing the toxicity around you, including people, your thoughts and the words you are speaking to yourself;
- removing yourself from negative people and situations in your life;
- removing toxic products and habits and replacing them with healthier ones;
- nourishing your body with healthier foods, supplements, exercise; and
- empowering yourself to shine by showering yourself with self-love, gratitude, positivity and putting your needs and desires before others.
By doing all of these, you are tending to the beautiful garden of your life.
You are making changes to help your life grow in all the ways that are possible.
Keep tending to your garden everyday and continue to improve the soil you are growing in.
The possibilities for your life are truly endless but only if we make sure that we are tending to our garden and our environment.
Give yourself time to work on these changes.
You are changing habits that you have had for many, many years and it will take a lot of time and effort for you to cultivate the changes you are desiring. And, those changes are going to be worth it!
Keep tending to your garden and enjoy reaping the benefits you so deserve!

We all have that little inner critic that tells you false statements and unfortunately, a lot of us allow those 'false' statements to hold us back from moving in the direction we desire.
Have you ever wanted to do something, try something new, look for a new job, meet a new person, put yourself out there and then you hear this little voice in your head saying awful things like:
- 'You can't do this'
- 'You are not smart enough'
- 'You will never be successful'
- 'You are fat'
- 'You are not worthy'
- 'You don't deserve ____'
- 'You are dumb'
- 'Nobody will listen to you'
- 'They won't like you'
When you hear that little voice telling you these things, how does it make you feel?
Does it encourage you to keep moving forward with what you are desiring or does it stop you in your tracks?
Whenever that little voice is telling you that you can't move forward with something that you desire, it is just your FEAR or some even call it your Ego or your 'inner child'.
This inner voice is simply trying to hold you back and keep you in your 'safe' and 'comfort' zone.
As hard as it is.....Don't Listen to it!
You deserve to have goals and dreams and you also DESERVE to have ALL of them come to fruition!
Be excited for what you want.
See it happening. Believe that it will come true.
See how different your life is going to be because you were BRAVE enough to go after what you wanted.
And, whatever you do, keep taking those imperfect action steps so that you can continue to become a better version of yourself today, than you were yesterday!
If you just don't know how to move past these inner thoughts to help get you moving towards your dreams, this is where the Aroma Freedom Technique may be able to help you move past some of these barriers.
Want to hear more about the Aroma Freedom Technique?
Check out the information on our website (www.julietteandgraham.com) for some more helpful information and even a way to connect with me for a quick chat or even set up a one-on-one or group session.

It was a foggy morning but it was beautiful. I had already created my ‘To Do List’ for the day but with the pretty fog outside, the ocean was calling me but
we almost didn’t go.......
While getting ready, the internal dialogue going on in my head was incredible and it was bouncing back and forth from positive talk to negative talk.
‘It’s going to be so great to go for a walk’ to ‘Your feet are going to hurt…is it worth it?’
‘You are going to feel so great after your walk’ to ‘You’re not going to get everything done today if you waste time going for a walk’.
‘You have to go out to get some groceries so you’re going to be out anyways’ to ‘It’s going to be cold outside; you should stay inside…change what you are going to cook and use what you have instead’
‘You already have enough on your plate for today, why are you adding more? Stop procrastinating on what you need to do’ to ‘You should stay home and get more stuff down around the house, you can go tomorrow’.
Yup, lots of banter and all because I wanted to go for a walk.
Crazy right? You know what’s even crazier?
That I used to listen to this banter and it would deter me in the past. I would cave in to my own inner thoughts and allow them to hold me back from doing something positive for myself.
I find it so interesting that I can now recognize when this is happening and I am empowering myself to choose to make a better choice.
I have always had the ability to do this, I just chose not to.
I did the Mel Robbins 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and just left my partially enjoyed cup of coffee on the counter, got changed out of my warm and comfy jammies and right into my workout clothes and out the door, I was determined not to let my inner voice stop us from going on our walk.
Part way through our walk, I even said to my husband, ‘I am so glad we went for our walk’. I could feel the change in my mood and my energy, just by getting out of the house, being in nature, moving my body and of course, getting a little ocean time didn’t hurt either….LOL. The added bonus, I gave myself a high-five as I realized that I didn’t allow my inner voice to stop me this morning and it was such a great feeling.
Sure, it took away some time from working on other things on my ‘To Do List’ but what’s more important than taking care of your physical and mental health?
For me…..Nothing!
Today’s walk was just another positive step of me putting myself and some self-care first and foremost above everything else. The dishes and the laundry can wait…my physical and mental health never deserved to be on the backburner and every positive action step I take helps me prove to myself that I’m worthy of taking the time for self-care and my body will thank me.

Progress Over Perfection....
As we wrap up 2021, it's a great time to reflect back on the year and to celebrate ALL of our progress through the year.
The key is NOT to focus on the perfection and that 'I could have done ____ better'.
Do not beat yourself up or talk poorly to yourself for things that did not go well or as planned.
Did you have a goal or a vision for something that has not come to fruition yet?
That's OK! Maybe it went exactly how it was supposed to go.....have you ever thought of that?
I too struggle with 'Perfection', but then think.....who decided what 'Perfection' is?
Perfection is different to each of us.
Perfection stops us from taking action, it stops you dead in your tracks from moving forward, it keeps you spinning and at times down a very dark unhealthy and self-defeating path and for what reason....because we fear of what others will think, that we will fail, etc. I could go on and on with all of the ways that striving for 'perfection' has literally stopped me in so many ways and for ALL of the wrong reasons.
What we need to remember is that failing, making mistakes, all of it is part of the process. This is what makes us better. This is what helps encourage us to 'tweak', 'pivot' or 'adjust your crown', however you see it.
When babies are learning to walk...do they often wobble and fall?
Do you think Wayne Gretzky was a #1 hockey player when he 1st picked up a hockey stick?
Were the Wright Brothers successful in taking flight on their 1st attempt to fly a plane?
The answer to all of these is a resounding NO.
But what did they ALL do?
They kept trying, they kept practicing, they kept tweaking what they were doing and because of their consistency and their tenacity....they slowly and surely got better and succeeded in their goals.
They did not allow 'perfection' from stopping them.
NO ONE is perfect, even though we all have people in our lives that think they are....they really aren't!
So, today, celebrate the progress over perfection you experienced this year and may you keep the momentum going into 2022.
And if fear is still holding you back, may 2022 be the year you break free from those limiting beliefs, take action on things that are important to you and start letting your light shine brightly by empowering yourself to take progress over perfection each and every day!