We all have that little inner critic that tells you false statements and unfortunately, a lot of us allow those 'false' statements to hold us back from moving in the direction we desire.
Have you ever wanted to do something, try something new, look for a new job, meet a new person, put yourself out there and then you hear this little voice in your head saying awful things like:
- 'You can't do this'
- 'You are not smart enough'
- 'You will never be successful'
- 'You are fat'
- 'You are not worthy'
- 'You don't deserve ____'
- 'You are dumb'
- 'Nobody will listen to you'
- 'They won't like you'
When you hear that little voice telling you these things, how does it make you feel?
Does it encourage you to keep moving forward with what you are desiring or does it stop you in your tracks?
Whenever that little voice is telling you that you can't move forward with something that you desire, it is just your FEAR or some even call it your Ego or your 'inner child'.
This inner voice is simply trying to hold you back and keep you in your 'safe' and 'comfort' zone.
As hard as it is.....Don't Listen to it!
You deserve to have goals and dreams and you also DESERVE to have ALL of them come to fruition!
Be excited for what you want.
See it happening. Believe that it will come true.
See how different your life is going to be because you were BRAVE enough to go after what you wanted.
And, whatever you do, keep taking those imperfect action steps so that you can continue to become a better version of yourself today, than you were yesterday!
If you just don't know how to move past these inner thoughts to help get you moving towards your dreams, this is where the Aroma Freedom Technique may be able to help you move past some of these barriers.
Want to hear more about the Aroma Freedom Technique?
Check out the information on our website (www.julietteandgraham.com) for some more helpful information and even a way to connect with me for a quick chat or even set up a one-on-one or group session.