'Whatever The New Month is Bringing for You, be it good or bad;
Always Keep That Smile On Your Face No Matter What' ~ Unknown
Always Keep That Smile On Your Face No Matter What' ~ Unknown
I really liked this quote and hesitated to post it as I know it can be taken in different ways. So, let me explain....
I feel this quote at the beginning of the month is great way to remind you that NO MATTER what is thrown your way this month that you will be OK and that you will come through it!
It ties in with Mel Robbin's High Five Habit in the mirror where we are smiling at ourselves and celebrating anything and everything amazing about ourselves!
There is always something to be grateful for and proud of....Always!!!!
There is always something to be grateful for and proud of....Always!!!!
It also ties in with incorporating the practice of Daily Gratitude everyday.
Even on the hard days, finding something to be grateful for is just the boost of love you need to help get through a tough moment, day or week. It's so easy for us to focus on the negatives and that only attracts more of it to you....so, focus on the positives and attract more of that your way instead.
Even on the hard days, finding something to be grateful for is just the boost of love you need to help get through a tough moment, day or week. It's so easy for us to focus on the negatives and that only attracts more of it to you....so, focus on the positives and attract more of that your way instead.
As for the other way to perceive this quote, I want to clarify that I am NOT saying that it's not OK to not be OK and that we should pretend that everything is always rainbows and unicorns....because, let's face it, it's not. And that's OK.
I am a firm believer in reaching out for help you need it.
I do not believe in pushing your emotions under the rug and not dealing with them. I've been there and I've done it and I can confirm that while it may work for a bit, it's not sustainable and it's not healthy AT ALL.
Avoiding your emotions and feelings does not solve the issue and it certainly does not make it go away. I have learned from my own experience that eventually you will reach your breaking point and when that happens, the smallest things/issues can trigger you for no particular reason and you just can't explain why. All that stuff you have been sweeping under the rug is now seeping out and there's no more room for more.
Please don't let it get to that point. Seek help. Talk to someone you trust or a professional.
Here's to you having an amazing month, keep practicing your new habits, keep being kind to yourself and keep shining your pearly whites.
This month is going to be a great one!
This month is going to be a great one!
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