It was a foggy morning but it was beautiful. I had already created my ‘To Do List’ for the day but with the pretty fog outside, the ocean was calling me but
we almost didn’t go.......
While getting ready, the internal dialogue going on in my head was incredible and it was bouncing back and forth from positive talk to negative talk.
‘It’s going to be so great to go for a walk’ to ‘Your feet are going to hurt…is it worth it?’
‘You are going to feel so great after your walk’ to ‘You’re not going to get everything done today if you waste time going for a walk’.
‘You have to go out to get some groceries so you’re going to be out anyways’ to ‘It’s going to be cold outside; you should stay inside…change what you are going to cook and use what you have instead’
‘You already have enough on your plate for today, why are you adding more? Stop procrastinating on what you need to do’ to ‘You should stay home and get more stuff down around the house, you can go tomorrow’.
Yup, lots of banter and all because I wanted to go for a walk.
Crazy right? You know what’s even crazier?
That I used to listen to this banter and it would deter me in the past. I would cave in to my own inner thoughts and allow them to hold me back from doing something positive for myself.
I find it so interesting that I can now recognize when this is happening and I am empowering myself to choose to make a better choice.
I have always had the ability to do this, I just chose not to.
I did the Mel Robbins 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and just left my partially enjoyed cup of coffee on the counter, got changed out of my warm and comfy jammies and right into my workout clothes and out the door, I was determined not to let my inner voice stop us from going on our walk.
Part way through our walk, I even said to my husband, ‘I am so glad we went for our walk’. I could feel the change in my mood and my energy, just by getting out of the house, being in nature, moving my body and of course, getting a little ocean time didn’t hurt either….LOL. The added bonus, I gave myself a high-five as I realized that I didn’t allow my inner voice to stop me this morning and it was such a great feeling.
Sure, it took away some time from working on other things on my ‘To Do List’ but what’s more important than taking care of your physical and mental health?
For me…..Nothing!
Today’s walk was just another positive step of me putting myself and some self-care first and foremost above everything else. The dishes and the laundry can wait…my physical and mental health never deserved to be on the backburner and every positive action step I take helps me prove to myself that I’m worthy of taking the time for self-care and my body will thank me.

Our thoughts are SO powerful.
Our thoughts can either propel us closer to our goals or keep us locked into fear, shame and self-doubt.
Our thoughts can either propel us closer to our goals or keep us locked into fear, shame and self-doubt.
We all have dreams and aspirations but do you actually believe that your dreams will come true?
Are you doing whatever you need to make those dreams come true?
Do you believe that you are worthy of your dreams?
Are you allowing other peoples ideas, thoughts, words, judgements to hold you back?
Are you allowing what others say to you, do to you or you are perceiving them to say to you, stop you from doing what you want to do?
Are you allowing what others say to you, do to you or you are perceiving them to say to you, stop you from doing what you want to do?
I know I have!!!
And I can now recognize that it has affected me my entire life and I’m working on re-writing the script and creating new neuropathways to let go of these old beliefs and beliefs that never belonged to me in the first place.
I have been hurt physically, mentally, lied to, deceived, used and manipulated. I trust that those that come into my life have good intentions and take people at their word. And over and over again, those I have let in have hurt me in various ways and some to the core. And when this hurt happens, it makes me feel like I wasn’t worthy and yet, what I should be thinking is that they are not worthy of me.
When you continually hear negative statements or judgements from those you know and love,
you tend to believe them…and why?
Because you trust them and yet, the only person we should be trusting is ourselves.
you tend to believe them…and why?
Because you trust them and yet, the only person we should be trusting is ourselves.
Other people’s perceptions, ideas, and judgements are theirs and you should NEVER take them to heart.
You have to remember that some people, not all, but some, don’t want to see you succeed.
They want to see you fail or make you look bad so that they feel better about themselves.
You have to remember that some people, not all, but some, don’t want to see you succeed.
They want to see you fail or make you look bad so that they feel better about themselves.
The good news is that you get to decide what you believe to be true and should focus on that. You can certainly hear what they have to say but STOP letting other people’s negative thoughts, words, and actions stick to you like crazy glue. The words they are speaking over you ARE NOT the truth. Don’t take on their negativity and allow the beliefs in yourself to diminish. Stop giving others that power. Instead, empower yourself to recognize when this is happening and reaffirm to yourself that you ARE worthy of everything you desire.
See, when you want something but you doubt that it will come true, it won’t. Why? Because you don’t believe that it will come true or that we deserve it. When you believe in the negativity of our thoughts, that is what you are putting out into the universe and that is what you will receive and you attract more of the same.
This week I encountered an issue and I kept saying to myself ‘I can’t figure this out’ and I would end up in tears. My mind kept replaying all of the negative words and feelings I have felt in the past, that I’m not good enough, I won’t figure it out, I’m not smart enough, I should just quit, I’m a nobody, I am dumb, I’m on the wrong path….all of these negative thoughts and words kept me frozen in self-doubt. I started looking to others for help and I was spinning my wheels in ‘negativity land’ and it was getting me nowhere and nowhere fast.
I attended an Aroma Freedom Session by one of my mentors this week around Trust. And while I started off working on learning to trusting in my abilities, through the session it led me to work through several situations where I have been hurt in the past by loved ones where my trust has been broken. Once I worked through those feelings and memories, I was able to let them go and move forward.
I practiced my new affirmation and changed my mindset. When I started to say ‘I can’t do this’, I recognized what I was saying and flipped it to say ‘I got this…I can figure this out’.
Once I flipped the words from negative to a positive, I gave myself permission to figure it out,
I believed that I could figure it out and I did.
I AM Worthy!
I believed that I could figure it out and I did.
I AM Worthy!
And when I was able to cancel my trip to ‘negativity land’ and allow myself to believe in myself and my abilities, it reaffirmed that I can do this. I truly can do anything I want to do, if I just believe in myself. I don’t need to have all of the answers, it doesn’t need to be perfect (even though I want it to be), what I truly need to do is to believe that I am capable and worthy.
As a result of the Aroma Freedom Technique session around ‘Trust’ this week, I ended up believing in myself and allowing myself to shine.
Today, I worked with another mentor where she had us do this exercise to write down ‘I AM WORTHY’ 100 times. And when we write them, we need to believe that what we are writing is true. And yes, there were a few times when I wrote these words down that I could feel my belief slip to the negative and I could even see it in my letters, usually at the word ‘AM’, my printing would change.
I truly believe that people come into our lives for a reason, a purpose or a lesson.
There’s a reason why I have encountered this lack of belief this week, why these lessons were placed in front of me and why I made the time to be present in each of these lessons.
I AM WORTHY and I was meant to see it and believe it this week.
Thank You Universe for giving me these gifts and lessons this week and
for bringing these mentors into my life.
I am truly grateful and I AM ready to let my light shine!
Thank You Universe for giving me these gifts and lessons this week and
for bringing these mentors into my life.
I am truly grateful and I AM ready to let my light shine!
“Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you.
Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late.
You don’t have to like it… it’s just easier if you do.”
— Byron Katie

Have you ever really paid attention to the conversation that goes on in your head?
I have been working on getting back into my morning routine. Getting up at 5am, moving my body for a minimum of 30 min, showering and then starting my day. While I have not been successful in getting up at 5am, I have been consistent with moving my body. Normally, I would allow my lack of getting up at 5am as I promised myself to stop me from moving my body no matter what time I finally dragged my butt out of bed and say ‘there’s always tomorrow’. Rinse and repeat and by the end of the week, I did not move my body for the minimum of 30 min as I promised myself.
This would often trigger negative self-talk, feeling bad about myself and the downward spiral would start.
While I was on my walk this morning, I was embattled in a constant back and forth chat with my inner child who was determined to derail my exercise today.
Here is a snippet of my inner dialect this morning between my Inner Child (👶) and Myself (👩🦰).
👶: OK great you are moving your body, but let’s go up this street and cut up that street and you’ll be home in no time.
👩🦰: Keep walking. You promised yourself to walk to the ocean and enjoy the view.
👶: Aargh. OK fine. What if you walk along the golf course and up this street and then cut through the mall parking lot and through the park, you’ll be home and still get your 30 min in...your shower is going to feel amazing!
👩🦰: Would you please stop! You are going to the ocean. You promised. Keep the promise you made to yourself. You are worth it!
👶: I can feel blisters forming and your muscles in your legs, knees and arms are screaming at you....can’t you hear them? If you call Graham, he’ll come and get you and you’ll be home in no time and enjoy that shower!
👩🦰: Yes, I feel the blisters but there’s nothing I can do about them now. Your muscles are not screaming they are rejoicing because you are using them. They are celebrating. Graham is working you are NOT bothering him. This is not life and death, you are moving your body and going for a walk. Look ahead I can see the oceanside just down the street. You can do this!
👶: I don’t want to go to the beach anymore. Why are you doing this to me? I want to me at home in my jammies.
👩🦰: Too late...you are almost there! And you do want to go the beach, it’s your happy spot and you are going to be so grateful once you get there. I am so happy to be moving my body.
👶: OK, we are at the beach. You proved me wrong. Your blisters are huge let’s call Graham. Maybe you can take the bus home...look it’s right there.
👩🦰: I love this place. I love the scent. I love the breeze on my face. I did it! I made it to the beach!! Yes, your blisters hurt but that’s OK. Take your time going home and let’s see what we can appreciate along the way back. I am not calling Graham and I am not getting on the bus. I walked here, I will walk home. I got this!
In the past I would have let my Inner Child win and I would succumb to her derailing my plans/goals. What I realized this morning is that all of the work I have been doing on my mindset and with the Aroma Freedom Technique sessions, the work I have been doing IS working.
I did not allow my Inner Child to win today.
I had a goal and I stuck to it and crushed it.
Yes...with some blisters but that’s OK, my positive mindset took charge today and outshined my Inner Child.
As I walked home, I took the time to look around and enjoy the beauty all around me and that I had failed to appreciate on my way to the beach. I found gratitude in the beautiful flowers that so many homeowners have carefully planted and tended to and in turn finding that gratitude lifted my heart as I made my way home after successfully completing my morning walk. Such a powerful way to start my day and a wonderful gift to myself to see that my hard work on my mindset is paying off.
I am SO excited for what the future holds!
PS - If you would like to hear a little bit about some of my morning routine habits that I am getting back on track with that help me conquer my days, click HERE to receive my FREE e-book. Yup, totally FREE.
PSS. If you like my outlook and want to spend more time with me, come and join my free Facebook group where this is just one of the many things we talk about. Just click HERE to come and join us today!